Quiz : Can u keep a secret??
Are you someone your friends can trust with their dirtiest, darkest secrets?? Try this quiz out!!
Write down each symbol of your answer & see which one has the most.
1) Mom's planning a big surprise party for your brother. You know he'll hate it. What should you do?
a) Call your bro & spill. He'll kill you if he finds out you knew all along. (@)
b) Help out at the party and say you didn't have a choice. Mom's gone hysterical. ($)
c) Drop hints. If he didn't get it, he can't blame you for his lack of genius right? (#)
2) Your new boyfriend shows you his CD collection & *gasp* among it, you found The Sound of Music:
a) You send a quick sms to your friends telling them that the school's biggest hunk has got junk of taste. (#)
b) You laugh it off. It's completely OK for someone to have 'classical' tastes. It's actually quite adorable. ($)
c) You tell the first three people who call your mobile. (@)
3) You're the sort of person that:
a) Makes strangers feel they've known you forever even though they'd just met you. (#)
b) Has a reputation of being the school'd PA system. (@)
c) Takes everyone's secret to the grave. ($)
4) Your friend breaks up with her boyfriend. You withnessed the entire messy sage. Everyone's asking you for details. You:
a) Walk away. It's none of anyone's business. ($)
b) Re-enact the whole thing play-by-play.(@)
c) Tell them the gist of it & leave them the rest to imagine. (#)
5) You hear that the girl you hate is about to get into trouble for cheating in the mid-year exams, you:
a) Say nothing, then pretend to be surprise when she bursts into tears. ($)
b) Send an anonymous email to everyone in school with the subject heading:"She's a scammer!"(@)
c) Wonder out loud when you pass her by the school's corridor: "I wonder what they do to cheaters in this school." (#)
6) It's Sports Day at school & your mom's cool enough to write you a sick note. You:
a) Tell your friends how they should do the same. (@)
b) Go to the school with the "sniffles" the next day. ($)
c) Hint to some friends that you aren't really sick. (#)
7) Uh-oh! Your best-friend's new boyfriend asked you out on a date. You:
a) Consider. He's cute & they've not even kissed! She'll get over it. (@)
b) Tell your friend what he did. It's up to her if she wants to dump him or keep him. (#)
c) Walk away. If you tell her, she'll end up hating you & him. You're not prepared to lose her for him. ($)
8) The fact that you're (still) afraid of the dark is....
a) Embarrassing. You've never told anyone abouot it. ($)
b) Shameful but hey, everyone has their "monster in the closet" stories. It'll make a great book one day. (@)
c) Only your bestest of best friend knows. (#)
9) Your sister told you that she flunked her history paper. You:
a)Tell her it's OK. It's only the mid-terms. There's still time to study for finals. ($)
b) Tell mom about how you think she needs tuition (#)
c) Tell your friends how hopeless you think your sister is. Like, it's only history. (@)
10) A friend says,"Can you keep a secret?" you automatically think:
a) Depends(#)
b) Of course! ($)
c) Ooooh...what good goss is she keeping to herself? (@)
11) You're celeb secret-keeping abilities are almost like:
a) Sydney Bristow on Alias - You're a tight-lipped golden-mouthed babe ($)
b) Mandy Moore - Despite everything, she's managed to keep her private life, private. (#)
c) Paris Hilton - It's all out there on the front page of this morning's paper! (@)
12) You're walking by the teacher's office and overhear someone getting busted for smoking in class. You:
a) Tiptoe closer to the room to find out whodunit. (#)
b) Quicken your pace to class. You're late! Who cares if they smoked? It's stupid habit, anyway. ($)
c) Quicken your pace to class. Bring backup! It's too good not to share. (@)
13) For her birthday, you brought your friend a dress she's been eyeing since forever. You're so happy you...
a) Tell her before her birthday so she can wear it on her big day. (#)
b) Tell her an hour after you brought it. She'll be thrilled! (@)
c) Give it to her at her surprise party. ($)
You're like a watering can with extra holes. Everything goes out as soon as it gets in. Gossip can be entertaining and it can make you popular but for the wrong reasons. Sooner or later, you've sunk all your friendships by having such a reputation. "There are rules of friendships and keeping confidences is one of them," says Florence Isaacs, author of Toxic Friends, True Friends (Willam Morrow, 1999). Chronic gossiping shows that you can't be trusted with sensitive information. Draw the line between harmless chat and careless blab. Stop before you seriously damage your relationship with your friends and family. Ask yourself the next time you have au urge to spill: what would you do if it was you they were gossiping about? Just remember that what comes around goes around.
You give new meaning to the word 'vault'. Once info goes in, it's never coming out! Before you throw away the secret's keys, bear in mind that keeping secrets can be a weighty burden sometimes. Of all people, you would know that it's a huge responsibility.
If it's causing you sleepless nights, anxiety attacks and nervous breakdowns, it's time to consider a different career. Choose to know secrets on a need-to-know basis. This way, someone else's problem doesn't become your problem. Or else, share the problem with a trusted adult. You're not betraying your friend. You could be helping her by offering a different (and more mature) solution to her problem.
You have the ability to know when to tell & when not to tell. How you do it is almost an intricate art form! Keeping secrets is the ability to balance gossip and chatter. You treat people lives the way you wan yours to be treated - with respect. It pays to be able to put yourself in someone else's shoes because you're sensitive (or smart) to know that it's crummy to be betrayed. Keep up the good work! Soon, people will be asking you how they can separete the fluff form the tough.
** Credit to June 2006 edition of Seventeen**
Mine is # Carefree Confidante.. Ehmm kinda true. So u guys can tell me secrets.. :P lol!!
hahahah...mine is the divine duno wat. but i think i;m more to carefree confidante. hhahahaha.. if u cant be trusted, how cum i told u so many stuff? heheeh
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