Duet songs
Recently FIR, Jay Chou 周杰伦 and David Tao 陶吉吉 just release their lastest album. All three of them used almost more then a year to produce their album. I realise that in three of these album there are 1 duet song in each of their album.
FIR -->天天夜夜 (Day & night) [Although they are a group but I seldom hear the guys sings and now one of them have duet wf the only female there, Fay.
Jay + 费玉清 -->千里之外 (Faraway)
David + Jolin 蔡依琳 -->今天你要嫁给我 (Marry me today)
==Here are those KTV version of the songs==
FIR -->天天夜夜
Jay + 费玉清 -->千里之外
David + Jolin 蔡依琳 -->今天你要嫁给我
hey! yalo ho...my FAV is FIR's tian tian ye ye. love the song a lot!!!! next time sing k must sing dat lo!
Sure sure... If can all 3 songs also must sing :P :P
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